In December 2002, a trip with the Trans Mongolian Express brought me in Beijing, China. Of course several museum sites were on the program.

The military museum is the easiest to find, since it’s got its own metro station. WARNING: Pictures were made with a video camera, so quality is quite bad.

B-2207Trident 2ECAAC
079MiG.15North Korean AF
30474J-5PLA AF
053J-8PLA AF
025J-6PLA AF
31130J-7PLA AF
67973MiG.15UTIPLA AF
70209MiG.15PLA AF
54-17258018U-6ATaiwan AF
52-9971T.33024T-33Taiwan AF
52-4441F.86272F-86Taiwan AF
03P-51DTaiwan AF
44792Tu.2PLA AF
33027A-5PLA AF
3512U-2BTaiwan AF